Within Gosport,
Ken has been teaching kayaking and canoeing since even before the wheel was invented!
To his name ken has many awards rocognising his service and commitment towards paddlesports
Gosport Scout training courses have taught thousands of people from one star to four star some have taken their skills further competing in national events like devises to westminister or International Events like the World Freestyle championships and World Whitewater Championships.
Kayaking is more than a hobby
It is estimated that in the UK two million people take to the water in a canoe each year (Paddlesport Review). Indications are that this number is increasing at a spectacular rate.
Paddlesport includes all craft propelled by a paddle, i.e. Kayaks, Canoes, Rafts and Bell Boats.
The British Canoe Union (BCU) represents the interests of canoeists at local, national and international level, and is a member of the International Canoe Federation. The BCU has over 60,000 individual and club based members within the United Kingdom. As well as members of the BCU, there are thousands more people who only paddle recreationally and not as part of a club or the BCU.
A kayak is a small human-powered boat. It typically has a covered deck and a cockpit covered by a spray deck. It is propelled by a double-bladed paddle by a sitting paddler. The kayak was used by the native Ainu, Aleut and Eskimo hunters in the sub-Arctic regions of northeastern Asia, North America and Greenland. Modern kayaks come in a wide variety of designs and materials for specialised purposes. Kayaks are classified by their intended use of which there are five primary classifications: whitewater, surf, touring/expedition, light touring/day tripping and general recreation. From these primary classifications stem many sub-classes. For example, a fishing kayak is simply a general recreation kayak outfitted with features and accessories that make it an easier kayak to fish from. Also within these classifications are many levels of performance which further separate the individual models. In other words, not all touring kayaks handle the same.
Within paddlesport competition there are various disciplines which include: white water racing, down river racing, sprint, marathon, polo, surf, freestyle and slalom.
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